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For staff that are very good typists, staying on the keyboard results in much faster data entry. This tip will show you how to...
    • Vertically Navigate Portal Rows up/down from a specific field - Click to Read More...    • Using a Popover to Navigate Portal Rows - Click to Read More...

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The concept is based on creating a Relationship from the Parent Table (Customer), using a global field, to the Child table (Contacts) primary key as shown in the second screen shot. The global field in the parent table (Customer) is called zg_CR_Nav.

    • CR = Create Record
    • Nav = Navigation i.e. isolating specific portal record.


Demo DB


In this example will be distributing products from Order Line Items to Shipment Boxes.
This technique simplifies the user's experience by reducing the amount of clicks., however it does require more complex programming.

Demo DB


The primary issue we face when duplicating orders is dealing with line items. Some methods export line items out to a temp table then reimport them. Other methods loop through line items duplicating and resetting the order ID.
This method circumvents this issue. It requires one field in the line item table.